History of the brand

Adrienn Fórizs

The creator of the Zsabó brand

When envisioning the Zsabó brand, our goal was to create a clothing accessory that would further

accentuate femininity, embodying elements of elegance, sophistication, uniqueness, and lightness.

The journey from concept to realisation was a long one, but through the experiences gained during

this time, we believe we succeeded in crafting extraordinary, one-of-a-kind accessories that infuse

excitement into attire and enhance feminine beauty.

The inspiration for the brands namesake product, the jabot, came from the high fashion of 17th-

century France, when the jabot served as an adornment in mens attire and eventually became a

decorative element in womens clothing.

This now unfairly overlooked accessory has been reinvented to create the Zsabó brand.

The brand has reimagined five product types alongside the Zsabó product, with a focus on women

needs, with a particular emphasis on timeless, sophisticated, practical, and comfortable wear. These

are the collar, tie, bow tie, neck scarf, and bow.

Our products are made in Hungary from high-quality materials, expertly and nobly crafted by skilled

professionals, with meticulous attention to the finest details. These accessories have the power to

elevate everyday attire to something special and make formal attire even more attractive.

Throughout the creative process, we remained mindful of the complexity of womens roles in the

21st century. As a result, we have already addressed the complicated tying and knotting techniques

characteristic of each product type, ensuring easy wearability.

We hope that our prospective customers will find among our products the one that best suits their

personality, allowing them to wear it with joy, confidence, and pride for a long time, confidently

combining it with pieces from their wardrobe.

Website, design & graphics: Andor Csécsi (Ander Design)
Model: Patrícia Ragcsák (Patrícia Ragcsák), Vivien Kustra, Szilvia Pataki (@esthajnalcsillag)
Model photo::Tímea Izabella Máthé (Timi Isabell Photography), Zsófia Jurassza (Photo by Zsofia Jurassza), Hajnal Mészáros (Hajnal Mészáros), Zsófia Jámbor (Zsófia Jámbor Photography)
Product photo: Zsófia Jurassza (Photo by Zsofia Jurassza), Hajnal Mészáros (Hajnal Mészáros)
Fashion drawing: Melinda Kiscsinál (Melinda Kiscsinal)